careFour Plans


Carepath is pleased to announce broker/agent bonuses for this holiday season!

 We've also upgraded the look of our MEC product and rebranded it as 'careFOUR'.

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Minimum Essential Coverage Plans

Affordable coverage options designed to promote the health of your employees & their families. 

Carepath Benefits is pleased to offer four affordable Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) plans that cover all the bases for preventive and wellness services but also go a step further, offering limited outpatient and inpatient medical benefits to give employers maximum flexibility in addressing costs and plan benefits while still prioritizing employee health. These value-based MEC plans offer an additional layer of tangible medical-related benefits for employees - in categories that they will appreciate!  

Affordable, Flexible, and ACA-Compliant 


Since provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) were implemented in 2016, employers with 50 or more full-time (or equivalent) employees are required to provide at least a Minimum Essential Coverage group health benefit plan to avoid the $2,000 per employee penalty (indexed for inflation) for non-compliance. Carepath Benefits offers four MEC plan designs to meet the minimum essential coverage required services for employers in search of an affordable, ACA-compliant solution. Our MEC plans provide employers with an expanded set of options with regards to ACA-compliance. 

If you offer our MEC plans alongside a major medical plan that meets the requirements for Minimum Value, you can also eliminate the possibility of the $3,000 penalty (indexed for inflation) in the event that an eligible employee purchases insurance through the Marketplace.

Featured Plan Designs

Interested in learning more?

Sign up for a demo and get started in the broker appointment process! Hosted at your convenience. 

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